Code generation in Glade3(was Re: [Glade-devel] libglade usage)

On 2004.01.12 19:06, James Henstridge wrote:

There was an external glade1 code generator available, which I ported  
to the glade 2 file format a while back and dumped in CVS as glade2c.   
If anyone really finds C code generation useful, it would be a good  
base to start with.


Actually I would find this useful, I just didn't know it existed.  I'm  
swamped with work at the minute, and probably for the next several  
months, but I'm going to start playing with it.

Why is it useful?  Because generating C code helps me to teach  
programming.  It's a good leap from hello.c in the console to hello.c  
in gnome, and then whoever I'm teaching can go back and analyze the  
generated code, make changes to it, learn how to do it other ways,  
learn to write windowing code themselves...

For a quick jumpstart, the generated code works fine.  For a huge  
enterprise level program I would definitely not use it, but when one is  
learning, enterprise level programs are few and far between.



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