Re: [Gimp-user] Canvas Size on Crop

On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 11:06 AM Ruben Safir wrote:

Neither does anyone else.   You beavers are destroying the GIMP

I'm fairly certain none of GIMP contributors are large rodents
although we generally do like swimming and building habitat.

You DO understand that CTL Z returns your crop?

Oh, right. Ctrl-Z. About that.

When you do cropping _and_ you apply a bunch of changes on top of it,
you have to go all the way back to redo cropping if you want it done
differently. And _then_ you have to redo all the other changes all
over again. Until last year, the only alternative was to crop as the
very last step which is kind of annoying because that's not
necessarily one's intention.

You don't have to understand the workflows of all the other GIMP
users, you do you. But _we_ do have to understand the variety of uses
of GIMP. Kind of our job, however unpaid. So we do it. We actually
listen to what users want, and it's non-destructive editing. Denying
that won't get you anywhere. Enabling the "Delete cropped pixels"
option, however, will bring you back the behaviour you want, forever.
I guess you already tried that? Please tell us if it fixes the
behavior for you.

BTW - you broke the bump map filters as well...

I guess you didn't specify Aux Input for the bump map to work. Please
try that and tell us if it still doesn't work.

the things you guyys break just goes on and on

Please file bug reports.

Text Floatings Selections also is broken

There does not seem to be such a bug report in the issue tracker.
Please elaborate.


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