Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp on M1 Macbook Air will not export in 300 dpi

Julie Barmazel Stiebritz via gimp-user-list <gimp-user-list gnome org> writes:

Hi there. I’ve installed GIMP 2.10 (first .24 and then .28) on a new MacBook Air with M1. 
It will not adjust print size on export.
I can change the image print size while on Gimp to 300 dpi, but the export is always 72 dpi.
Have deleted and reinstalled GIMP; have used current update. 
GIMP will only export docs in 72 dpi. 

This formula always holds:

#pixels = print_size (in inches) * resolution (dpi)

So if you change the print size, but not the number of pixels, Gimp will calculate the dpi for you.
If that comes out as 72dpi, that indicates that your image doesn't have enough pixels to print on a higher 
resolution, unless you print it on a smaller scale.
Pieter van Oostrum <pieter vanoostrum org>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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