Re: [Gimp-user] Recurring mouse problem in GIMP 2.8.22

On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 6:48 PM Techno <techno6 glib com> wrote:

On 2021-07-15 22:44, Cliff Pratt via gimp-user-list wrote:
Although you say this only happens in GIMP, I would expect to have seen
many more complaints in the community if it was a GIMP (only) problem. I
would not give up on looking outside GIMP for the issue. It may be a
conflict between GIMP and some other software, running at the same time
GIMP. eg Assistive technology software. Can you try with everything else

Thanks for that suggestion. I did that, and with nothing else loaded
GIMP worked okay with the mouse, which it has done before. So I began
loading up applications one at a time. It worked okay with one
application after another loaded, and then I loaded up WordPerfect X5,
which I have to use constantly. Bang! the mouse problem manifested itself.

To some slight degree I can probably leave WordPerfect X5 off for a
while as I work in GIMP, but I need to work with both at once a lot of
the time.

Now I'll note that GIMP 2.8 and WordPerfect X5 had been working together
just fine for years. I have been suspecting all along that some Windows
10 "update" had caused the problem. I think that I might have put
WordPerfect X5 into some compatibility mode at some point after I'd had
some crashes of that software, again after years of no problems. I am
wondering it I should risk crashes by undoing compatibility mode for
WordPerfect X5, if that's even possible, or if I should try some sort of
compatibility fix for GIMP.

Again, thanks.

That's a shame. If you could narrow it down to a particular setting, it
might be worth reporting an issue to WP and/or GIMP.

I remember using WP many years ago, and I liked it. I moved to MS Word
because that was the corporate standard and hated it. Corruptions of
documents happened on a daily basis, and I kept a backup copy of
because it was corrupted on a regular basis. These days I use LibreOffice
Writer and I'm happy with it. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to sell you
on LO Writer!


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