Re: [Gimp-user] Restrict/confine pointer movement in a straight direction

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 7:31 PM 3d1l wrote:

And I want to move the pointer across the image one side to the other but in a
straight line in the X axis. Is there a way to restrict/confine the pointer
movement so it keeps moving in a straight line, even if the mouse moves a little
bit up and down in the Y axis?
It might make sense to add transformation in straight lines the way it
works with brush-based tools. Could you please file a feature request
for that?

Imstead of one pointer that will allow me to ise the warp tool in ome line. Is
it possible to have several pointers so multiple "deformations " are created at
the same time?
Again, it might make sense to enable painting symmetry for the Warp
Transform tool. Although I'm not sure that's what you need in this
scenario. Maybe you are thinking of grid warping?


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