Re: [Gimp-user] New Version of GIMP

On 09/05/18 21:30, John Smith via gimp-user-list wrote:
I've been using GIMP for years and think it's great but I'm less than happy with the recent versions and have 
reverted to using the 2017 (2.8.22) version due to numerous issues I've experienced using the newer versions.
I'm sure that there are answers to all of the problems and you're probably going to say RTFM or similar but 
often it's easier to post rather than spending hours trying to find a solution when there may not be one!
Firstly when reducing the size of an image why is the smaller image less sharp? surely it should be more 
sharp not less! The older version of Gimp sharpens the image when reducing the image size and seems to retain 
image sharpness even when increasing the image size quite significantly. The new version of GIMP does neither.
The result of scaling down depends on the image. Some images are subject 
to spatial frequency folding (see The algorithm used in 2.10 is 
different from the one in 2.8 so things happen in different images. To 
avoid the problem (whatever the algorithm) remove the unnecessary detail 
(which will become invisible (sub-pixel) when downscaling anyway) by 
blurring the image first (downscale 2x: blur by 2px, etc...).
When copying part of an image why can't I paste it multiple times with one click?.This could be done easily 
on the previous version but it now requires the image to be copied and pasted every time which is incredibly 
time consuming.
I don't see what workflow you are talking about. When you paste you create a floating selection, so you have to get rid of it before you can paste again. This isn't one click. what you can do in both version is copy to the clipboard, and then use the "Clipboard" brush. The only difference in 2.10 is that you have to double-click/strike [Enter] to commit the selection.
The old version of GIMP has an excellent image sharpener with a preview so you can adjust the sharpening up or down why 
does the new version only have an "unsharp"? mode which sharpens the image but does not seem to provide any 
degree of adjustment and does not sharpen the image as well as the older version?
There are three cursors in the 2.10 "Unsharp mask" dialog, and two of them have a very visible effect. Also in addition to showing the result on the whole canvas (with a before/after split view...) can you can also create presets.
When using the airbrush the old version was really good and was very easy to blend in as required but the new 
version has a very difficult to use selector (it's really unclear which part of the image you're selecting) 
and is far too aggressive in use and does not provide anywhere near the same results.
I'm sure there are solutions to these issues but if not I'm happy to continue using the old version.
There is no "selection" in the Airbrush? And as far as I can tell the 
airbrush in 2.8 and 2.10 behaves similarly.

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