Re: [Gimp-user] How do you close the tool boxes?

On 03/04/2017 03:35 AM, rich2005 wrote:
Yes, I'm sure you gathered by the question that I'm totally new to
GIMP, lol.
I pulled up a tutorial for beginners and it said when you open gimp
you may see a lot of boxes open, close them all except the tool box
and the main window.
I can't find a way to close any of them! 
I know... duh, right?? But there's no x, no "close", I can't move
them. I'm totally flummoxed!
I hope you can help a poor little ole newbie! :D

You have found yourself an old 'tutorial' that is probably giving poor advice

That would probably be this old 'tutorial' - it is indeed old, although
actively maintained and updated.  I have not had any complaints yet but
any corrections or suggestions would be appreciated:

"GIMP 2.8 also introduces a much asked for option to configure the GIMP
to appear as "one big window" that occupies the whole desktop.
Fortunately for folks like me, this configuration is an option that can
be turned on and off at will. Far be it from me to complain about
"freedom of choice" for users of Free Software: Test drive the "normal"
and "single window" modes and see which one you prefer."

"The current online GIMP manual features a picture with the redundant
dock window open, and says that this is “the most basic arrangement of
GIMP windows that can be used effectively”. That's simply wrong. Having
8 to 12 more square inches of screen space for the image content I am
working on is more effective for me, so I set up the main toolbox to
include everything used for common image editing tasks."

To this I might add...

"In the main menu under Windows, the Recently Closed Docks item will
enable you to easily identify and bring back any windows you have
previously dismissed; in the same menu, Single Window Mode toggles
between single and multiple windows.  There is also a Dockable Dialogs
menu in the Windows dialog, for opening any of the dialog items, which
can be used as stand alone items or dragged and dropped into your dock
of choice."

... and I just did.



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