Re: [Gimp-user] Elementary question for an old mapmaker

        If you want to load output from a scanner or a camera into Gimp, use File -> 

On Friday 27 November 2015 11:42:28 petershea1 comcast net wrote:
I've just finished hand drawing about fifty simple, small (8.5 X 11) maps
in a two-month period. I'm hoping for an easier way, without going broke or
making my head explode.

I've read a summary of the GIMP drawing program, but it is not clear to me,
if you can import images such as scans, or Google Earth. Google maps, etc.
Can you import an image and trace from it, or does one only draw original
subjects? I assume it has wide typographic ability for font and sizes??



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        Consider the Auk;
        Becoming extinct because he forgot how to fly, and could only walk.
        Consider man, who may well become extinct
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