Re: [Gimp-user] gimp users matter

Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 17:50:01 -0500
From: mdmpsyd gmail com
To: gimp-user-list gnome org; etters h gmail com
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] gimp users matter

And, Liam, I believe this is what you're asking.  In 2.8, I save every few
minutes with File > Save.  I see a brief less than a second progress bar
but nothing changes.  All is well.  At some point later, the picture is
(more or less, sort of) finished,
and I want to send it somewhere.   I go through four steps:  File > Save
(just to be sure) and then File > export.  I confirm,
a longer (10 seconds?) progress bar, and then the image is gone.  No
there.  Yes, I can still open it with Digikam  or
Gimp's  File > Open Recent, or with Gimp's document history, and maybe I
need to just accept that.
Could it be that the window containing your image is crashing while the 
rest of the UI is not crashing? Or is the window still there, with the 
proper file name and the image just gone? I do not know if 2.6 has 
"single window mode" (under the window menu) but if you were in that 
mode you might preserve your image (or crash the interface completely). 
Do you get the same results whether exporting to jpg, png, or other 
formats? If you are already working in single window mode try getting 
out of it and see if that makes a difference.

If something is crashing internally then GIMP should quite visibly inform you about it.  And (in my 
experience at least) GIMP is generally pretty hard to crash.

Also, single-window mode was added in 2.8.  GIMP 2.6 did not have it.

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.


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