Re: [Gimp-user] Create image from clipboard via command line

Piotr Rybałtowski <prybaltowski gmail com> writes:


Kevin, I know about pasting when I have it opened. After taking a
screenshot I'm running GIMP and pressing ctrl+shift+v. I'd be much
better though if I could be able to run it as a single command so I
could make even better shortcut.

Saving clipboard to a file is not for me. I want to have it opened as
new image.

Well, if you don't mind the file ending up in your /tmp, you could save
the python script as e.g. "" and make another
script "" that does

    cd /tmp
    /path/to/ -o

You might want to change "xdg-open" to "gimp" in the script in case it
opens in the wrong program.

Then just make a shortcut to "" from
wherever (remember to chmod +x them).

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
<unhammer fsfe org> wrote:


    (Or you can try this python2-script which takes any image in
    clipboard, run it with the "-o" option to open the file straight

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

GPG: 0x766AC60C

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