Re: [Gimp-user] Fixing Deleted Left Behind Lines

From: dlaborde gillis com
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:14:40 -0500
Subject: [Gimp-user] Fixing Deleted Left Behind Lines

Dear Gimp,

I absolutely love the program I am just trying to figure something out. When I start a new project and I 
start editing the photo (i.e. drawing on it with the paintbrush) I encounter a problem when I try to select 
certain colors and delete. So lets say I have three colors in my image. I do a little drawing and editing 
on my image and then I want each separate color to be a separate layer. So I select two of the colors and 
delete them. Any things that isn't that third color or where the two colors I deleted used to be now has 
these "editing lines" is what I want to call them. You can see faint lines where I had made slight changes 
to the image with lets say the paintbrush. HOW DO I GET RID OF THOSE LINES? Some help would be much 
appreciated. Thanks.


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Most selection tools have an anti-aliasing feature which improves the 
visual quality of the selection's edge pixels, but it also means that if you're
 doing a cut and paste, there may be bits and traces of color left 
behind in areas that you would expect to have nothing left.  Try 
switching the selectors' antialising off and see if this improves your 

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