Re: [Gimp-user] A Sad case of regression

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Norbert Preining <preining logic at> wrote:
These bullying emails are just plain rubbish. Software should be written with the users in mind. And
- opening a jpg file
- editing
- saving
should result in a saved version of yhe original file, because that is what practically all programs are 
doing, and what the user expectation, and natural behaviour i

Grue beat me to this, but this doesn't work for JPEG.  If you have a
text editor, you could create a document with say 1 header and 3
paragraphs.  Then you could edit paragraph #1 a thousand times, save
each time, and your header and other paragraphs remain identical.

However if you edit a portion of a JPEG a thousand times, and "save" a
thousand times, the whole of the image is going to take some major
punishment.  In this case instead of "saving" you are really
"reencoding".  Would you consider your text document saved if random
characters were transposed throughout?


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