Re: [Gimp-user] Web development question?

On 02/16/2012 03:20 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 02/16/2012 05:25 PM, Burnie West wrote:
On 02/16/2012 01:54 PM, Frank Gore wrote:
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Xiella
Harksell<xiesse gmail com>   wrote:
As a point of difference :)

I find myself tending to save the majority of my images (in
terms of
developing the site - stripes, decorations, non-content stuff) as
You're not the only one, the vast majority of professional web
designers use PNGs as a flexible way of displaying images in
The last browser I know of that didn't support PNG files properly
IE6... and can we count how many years old that is?
Usage is down to something around 5% on most sites I have seen
recent statistics for.  Considering the security aspect, it's really
not doing anyone a favor to support IE6 any more...  But the moment
I stop writing alternate style sheets for it, I just "know" my next
client will be running it in Win2k and asking me why the pages are
all broken and stuff.  :o)

There is  a minor but sound reason for using png rather than jpg
in many of
these cases - the fact that png is lossless. It does result in
somewhat larger
files, but if the specific image wants to be compressed to an
indexed-mode jpg
for file size reasons, a png background is I believe somewhat less
likely to
create artifacts - or so it seems to me.
I did not know that jpg had an indexed mode.  I knew I would be
getting some interesting feedback when I posted that answer.
I didn't mean to imply that jpg has an indexed mode. It just seems to me if
one exports a GIMP image in indexed mode to jpg the file comes out smaller.
Haven't run extensive tests on that, though.

GIMP actually transforms back to RGB before going to jpg (asking if that's
what you want first). So YMMV.
I have been doing this junk for so long that I developed an
automatic habit of anti-aliasing transparent gif images "by hand" as
per my earlier comments.  And yes, it is time to abandon that and
just use png images.  Yay!



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