Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp-2.8_Save and save as bad behavior

On 08/13/2012 11:29 PM, maderios wrote:
On 08/13/2012 09:45 PM, Ofnuts wrote:

We see the reasons behind the change

May you explain here the reasons of the change concerning save and save as ?


- Creates complex images with several layers, paths, masks
- Wants a PNG to show Mr Customer
- Does Save as... PNG
- Exits -> lost the last changes in layers, paths, masks

So somewhere you need some way to tell Gimp that when you save as PNG (or JPG/GIF/TIIF) you aren't really saving.

- Creates complex images with several layers, paths, masks
- Wants a PNG to show Mr Customer
- Does Export as... PNG
- Exits -> Gimp complains image not saved -> No loss of layers, paths, masks

Hi Ofnuts

You don't answer my question about the reasons of the change concerning save and save as. I simply try to understand and it's not easy because the change is not coherent. It is strange that evolution that leads to slow down workflow is presented as a progress ... I started my Linux and Gimp user life in 1999: Redhat, Mandrake, Suse, Mandriva, Fedora, Debian now, the best ... I don't like desktops like Gnome, Kde, Xfce. I use E17, very light and nice desktop (yes it is), quite a long time
I had time and I take time to train me to adapt but I can't adapt to waste my time with this incoherent behavior of "save" in Gimp-2.8.
My job is the priority, so back to Gimp-2.6.
I have time to wait...... Perhaps we'll open a "wishlist" bug ? I don't know....

With the previous behavior, if you "save" in a non-XCF file format, then all you save is a flattened image on which further work is near impossible. And since you have "saved" the image, you can quit Gimp without updating the XCF of disk and you lost some of your work. Many people have been burnt by this. Another use case is working on a complex image, and producing proof images (PNG/JPG) at various stages. WIth the current behavior, you change the "base name" of the image, further saves clobers the proof images. So you have to remember to resave as XCF. The current behavior makes it more obvious when you save to the XCF and when you produce some other format. So now Gimp comes with a safety belt/hard hat. You may find it annoying but you really get used to it and one day it will save your day.

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