Re: [Gimp-docs] Colors/Desaturate/Desaturate documentation

On 03/26/2017 10:58 AM, Elle Stone wrote:

FWIW, I succeeded in compiling gimp-help with the modified desaturate
XML file. I'll send some questions in another email.

Here is a link to what the modified html file looks like after compiling gimp-help to use the modified desaturate xml file, along with some new images:

Here are three specific questions:

1. How does one validate a specific xml file? Running "make validate-en" produces this rather unhelpful output:

*** Validating XML (en) ...
-:57673: element figure: validity error : Element figure content does not follow the DTD, expecting (blockinfo? , (title , titleabbrev?) , (literallayout | programlisting | programlistingco | screen | screenco | screenshot | synopsis | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | methodsynopsis | address | blockquote | graphic | graphicco | mediaobject | mediaobjectco | informalequation | informalexample | informalfigure | informaltable | indexterm | beginpage | link | olink | ulink)+), got (title para mediaobject mediaobject para mediaobject mediaobject para mediaobject mediaobject para mediaobject mediaobject para mediaobject mediaobject para mediaobject mediaobject para itemizedlist para itemizedlist )
(You will find log and xml files in log/.)

I say "unhelpful" because there's no mention of what file is causing the error. Opening the files in "log/" also doesn't seem to indicate which file is causing the problems.

2. I checked with, which said the errors were exactly where I thought they would be, which is that I used <para></para> to cause the pairs of image files to be split by line breaks.

So what is the right way to cause a bunch of image files to break to a new line at specific places in the list of image files?

Also the w3 validator didn't like that I put an itemized list inside the Figure.

How do I fix these issues with the Figure?

3. I used this to try to make some text italicized:

<para><emphasis>Comparing the resulting shades of gray for the red globe and yellow sunflower:</emphasis></para>

but the text isn't italicized in the html file. So how does one make text be italicised?


Here's the relevant excerpts from desaturate.xml:

      <title>Comparing the five options</title>
        The images below shows the result of using the five different ways
to convert to black and white, for two very different starting images:

          <imagedata format="PNG"

          <para>Original image</para>
          <imagedata format="PNG"

          <para>Original image</para>


          <imagedata format="PNG"

          <para><quote>Luminance</quote> applied</para>
          <imagedata format="PNG"

          <para><quote>Luminance</quote> applied</para>


. . .

<para><emphasis>Comparing the resulting shades of gray for the red globe and
yellow sunflower:</emphasis></para>

<listitem><para>For the red globe Lightness (HSL) produces a result very similar to Luminance, and Luma produces a conversion that is much darker.
<listitem><para>For the sunflower, Luma produces a result very similar to Luminance, and Lightness (HSL) produces a conversion that is much darker.
    <listitem><para>Notice that the less saturated parts of each image look
more or less the same, regardless of which methoc is chosen for converting
    from color to black and white.

. . .


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