Re: [Gimp-docs] Colors/Desaturate/Desaturate documentation

Hi Elle,

Maybe everything under "Choose shades of gray based on" except the actual formulas should be moved to the Notes at the bottom of the page?

My apologies, I don't understand what "Precise that these options belong to the Mode item" means. What is a Mode item?

Are you referring to the "Advanced Color Options"?
    1- Presets
    2- Mode
            * Luminance
            * Luma
            * Lightness
            * Average
            * Value
    3- Advanced options
            * Apply filter to the layer's RAW pixels: with an example
    4- Preview
    5- Split view: interest?

-"linearized RGB" needs a link.
The link can be to the Web, or to another part of the doc



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