Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP development- What's the point?

I see. I haven't noticed any ill-effects of using my GIMP build on my
Macbook pros Mid 2014 (retina display). But that's me.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Maurizio Loreti <maurizio loreti gmail com>

On 23 set 2016, at 15:24, Partha Bagchi <partha1b gmail com> wrote:

Can you tell me what's missing in the Mac GIMP support? I've been
Mac (and WIndows) builds for a long time and continuing to so.

I think he is speaking about the lack of support for retina displays.

Maurizio Loreti   -   Maurizio Loreti gmail com

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