Re: [Gimp-developer] Cubic Interpolation vs No Halo

On 07/05/16 15:38, Øyvind Kolås wrote:
I've pushed code to GEGL master that makes the resamplers called
"linear" and "cubic" do a tiny bit more than just interpolation. 
The more you change the default behavior of existing filters the more it
makes the use of GIMP impossible in a setup where you build up a
workflow... It's bad enough to outright drop the previously available
scaling algorithm but to tinker and thus in some cases invalidate
existing workflows without the user being made aware of it is ridiculous
for a tool like the GIMP...

I would ask you to reinstate the old code and have the new selectable
under a new name - then at least an existing workflow could remain
intact and the user would be made aware (a little bit at least) that
there may be something better available...

Karl Günter Wünsch

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