Re: [Gimp-developer] Windows builds using MSYS2


I've also been working on building Gimp for Windows simply because for one reason or another I have Windows 
on my main, faster machine, and I've wanted to get some of the latest bug fixes. I also wanted to fix -

I tried the Linux cross compile using the wiki Mingw64 instructions. I was trying to retrieve the prebuilt 
library RPM's from, I think it's OpenSUSE, but that seems to be outdated. Now I have Code::Blocks setup to 
cross compile with MinGW-w64, I’ll try building those dependencies.

I'm investigating MSYS2. It looks like a good project and a lot of other projects seem to use it to provide 
releases for Windows, but its a slow to compile even with multiple threads set.  Some of those projects may 
use Python so they might be able to help with Python for Gimp.

I attach my current "autogen" and "make" outputs. I am building with most extras disabled as I just want to 
iron out the build process first.

Are you building from the main branch ?

Do you get a successful build with Python disabled ?


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