Re: [Gimp-developer] Of Palettes and Plug-ins

Besides  - you have to check what makes more sense - I't think Palette
exporting/importing plug-ins have to be on the Palletes context menu

My basic design is going to be as follows:

   - Add a procedure to register a palette loader

There is no such thing as a "palette loader" - but there are plug-ins that
are registered under thhe "Palette" context menu. Ther is a sub-menu
named "Export as..." -
I think a loader should be under <palette>/Import/<title>"

   This procedure will check that registered procedure take an int32 and
   two strings and return a palette. The args are the same as those for the
   image importer, and the return is a palette instead of an image.
If it is a Python script, maybe you  prefer using "PF_FILE" instead
of a string - that allows you to programatically pass a  file path,
but the automatic
Python-fu interface would open a nice file dialog to use your plug-in directly.

   - Write a python (or other language) procedure to implement that
Python recomended - some of the options in the Pallete context menu
are already in Python, copy one of them and it will be easier for you
to make your own.

And finally -as noted in the other e-mail I sent: the returend
"PF_PALETTE" is a string, but
a string corresponding to a unique name palette in GIMP, which is used
as ID for all Palette related
PDB calls.


On 6 September 2013 15:24, Jon Nordby <jononor gmail com> wrote:
On 6 September 2013 19:11, Chris Mohler <cr33dog gmail com> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 11:30 PM, Warren Turkal <wt penguintechs org> wrote:
Just so you all know, this actually started with my wife wanting to import
*.ase palettes in .

Back to your main question: unless I'm out of touch, I believe all of
the file loader plugins need to be written in C.  I could well be
wrong though.  It's been quite some time since I touched anything
having to do with GIMP besides the occasional plug-in in Python.

The OpenRaster file loader/saver (file-ora) is written in Python. It
does not do any pixel manipulation of its own though.

Jon Nordby -
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