Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp gradients

Alexandre wrote:

I wrote:

I must say I am thinking of picking either the gradient or align tool
as the module for my students to design.

both are simply up for grabs.

That would be great if a spec will come out of it.

*cough* selection tool *cough*

spec writing seems to be a waste of time, competence and enthusiasm
at the moment. developers simply throw away a third of it and do what
they want. this pattern has been growing at GIMP over the last years.

so yes, the student exercises that I publish in my blog are not
designs for implementations. that takes more, especially fully
experienced interaction designer involvement.

so at the moment I am limiting my GIMP activities to parts where
the contribution vs. return ratio is worth it. apart from the
‘teaching using GIMP as real software’, I have to figure out
where else that is.


        founder + principal interaction architect
            man + machine interface works on interaction architecture

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