[Gimp-developer] Gimp-developer] Invitation to initiate a New standalone Paint Preview Application and Generic plugin!

Hi Shlomi Fish

Thanks for your response :)

(Please Note : Resending this email after subscribing to the mail list)

We want to develop a Paint Preview software on GIMP for our client.
Pixel Studios will hire paid-developers from the open source community to develop a commercial application.
However developers can use portions of the code to develop open source plugins for GIMP.

Please find the attached PDF file to understand our requirement.

The proposed software will be used by paint distributors, builders, architects to generate paint preview.
The workflow/features of software are as follows:
1. User can upload a photo of a house(interior or exterior) 2. Finetune photo using regular photo editing 
tools (available in GIMP) 3. User then do Sectioning(Masking) the photo into Walls, Ceilings, Pillars, 
Borders, etc., 4. Apply primer(white color), fine tune the sections, clean the image 5. Texture Paint : Apply 
Textures based on pre loaded textures(images) 6. Apply colors to create different color schemes 7. Generate 
Preview PDF file for each color scheme

For further details please feel free to mail me.

Great Day!


-----Original Message-----
From: Shlomi Fish [mailto:shlomif shlomifish org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 2:18 PM
To: Rajesh : Pixel Studios
Cc: gimp-developer-list gnome org; 'John @ Pixel Studios'
Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] Invitation to initiate a New standalone Paint Preview Application and Generic 

Hi Rajesh,

On Fri, 7 Jun 2013 17:51:00 +0530
"Rajesh : Pixel Studios" <rajesh pixel-studios com> wrote:

Dear Developers




Invitation to initiate a New standalone Application and a Generic Plugin:

I am vendor manager of Pixel Studios Pvt. Ltd., a design agency in 
Chennai, India, and we are catering our services to global clients.

We want to develop a standalone Paint Preview application based on 
GIMP which is targeted at Paint industry.

All that is nice and everything - but - what do you need from us? Since GIMP is 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software , you are allowed to reuse and build upon the code 
as long as you respect the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License (version 3) licence and 
the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Lesser_General_Public_License (version
3) licences that the code was put under, and abide by them.

Please reply to all recipients.


        Shlomi Fish


The development is proposed in two phases :

Phase I : A stand alone Paint Preview application (on GIMP) where 
users can upload image of a home, section image into wall, piller, 
ceiling, etc, and then paint the house. Applying tiles on floors

Phase II : Develop a Opensource Paint Preview Plugin based on the 
standalone application source code which can be used by users from 
industries like Paint, Automobiles, Tiles manufactuting etc.


The Phase I developers will be paid and the product will be 
commercial/proprietary and mainly for Windows OS.

The Phase II will be opensource plugin development based on the Phase 
I code.


Please let us know your interest in our commercial cum open source project !


Thanks in advance J


Great Day!





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