Re: [Gimp-developer] Change Request: Redesign the "Color Balance" UI

El 10/02/13 17:42, Timo Witte escribió:

Boosting the color balance tool to add this new stuff sounds like a
really cool GSoC project, especially now that making GIMP suitable for
VFX work became one of the targets.
Does GIMP offer GSoC projects? Would this "small" task also be a GGSoC

I don't think it's a "small" task if the project involves turning the current color balance into a flexible and industry-grade tool. That would involve not only tweaking the UI but also making the output of the tool comply the ASC-CDL standard and storing and retrieving those presets.

When I suggested it as a possible GSoC target I was thinking about improving the tool to make it suitable for VFX work, not just changing the UI.


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