Re: [gedit-list] Transferring gedit settings to another user profile

Thank you, Sébastien.

Otherwise you need to copy ~/.config/,

Yes, that is where the settings are, but copying them does not have any effect.

I can't see anything in here relating to gedit. But I do see a lot of things I don't want to copy. Is there anything in particular that gedit needs?
and copy the directory or file where the dconf values are stored.

So that must be easier said than done?! Ah yes, it is. Here's a solution someone proposed on Ask Ubuntu:

gedit keeps some of it's preferences in gnome registry.

You can see them if you spawn gconf-editor and visit /apps/gedit-2

To export use sth like

gconftool --dump /apps/gedit-2 > gedit.settings

then copy the gedit.settins file and import with

gconftool --load gedit.settings

(or play with ~/.gconf directory but it may be less safe)

Update: some of the attributes may be not set just for gedit, but more generally. A few searches in gconf-editor may help locating them.

Do you mean to say that it is not actually possible for users to copy the gedit settings, but only systems administrators? I thought most sys admins used vim or emacs? What would they be doing with gedit, the simplest, most user-friendly (aside from settings) text editor known to humankind?
The settings are stored with GSettings, usually with the dconf backend
on GNU/Linux.

I'm not sure all this amounts to anything simpler than manually recreating all gedit's settings.

Here's an idea:

Tools > Settings > Import / Export

That way, the user wouldn't have to concern themselves with the complexities of gedit's haphazardly-evolved settings.

And assuming that a user might need to import gedit settings that have not previously been exported: the import option could allow you to simply point it at a home folder and leave it to get on with harvesting the settings from the many possible locations in which they may or may not have been distributed.

I hope that helps!

Hope that helps,

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