Re: [gedit-list] Frustrations with opening text files from elsewhere

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 2:28 AM, Doug McNutt <douglist macnauchtan com> wrote:
> Also, being a Mac developer until  neXt's X-code turned me off, I just don't like having the menu items disappear and come back only when I drag the mouse first over the name - Text Editor -.  Nothing else uses the screen space. Why can't I view the menus?  I use Tools_External tools all the time and I was disturbed when my personal tools became a sub menu. Now it's yet another step to mouse around for them.

How to disable the AppMenu (Global Menu):

> And that strange vertical scroll  needs to be optional or it needs to work the same way other applications do. Was there something wrong with a good old scroll bar the way Terminal does it.

How to disable the overlay scrollbars:


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