Re: [gedit-list] Using gedit as development environment

But I mean, can't you just make a script or modify the current one and say, I want to run whatever tool to build my project
in whatever directory it is. It is a matter of making a good shell script.


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:18 PM, Jef Driesen <jefdriesen hotmail com> wrote:
I know how to add my own external tools, so that's not rally the problem. The problem is that I don't how to achieve the result I would like.

The default "Build" tool searches for a makefile in the current directory, and if no makefile is found it looks in the parent directories. Thus with a normal autotools setup, where the makefile is located in the same directory everything works as expected, and the code in the current directory is rebuild.

But with my VPATH setup, gedit doesn't find the makefile because they are not located in a parent directory. Of course I can drop a makefile in my project directory that builds all 3 platform trees. But that means the *entire* project is build, not only the active directory. For example my project contains a "src" directory with the main library code and and "example" directory with sample applications. But when I'm working on a source file from the "src" directory, I only want to build the library, not the entire project including the example applications. With a non-VPATH build that works as expected, and I would like to be able to do the same for the VPATH build.

On 10/05/10 16:22, Ignacio Casal Quinteiro wrote:

you can create your own external tool and use it to build your source, like
if you were building in a terminal.


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Jef Driesen<jefdriesen hotmail com>  wrote:


I use gedit as a simple development environment. Almost everything I need
is already there. There is a classbrowser plugin, I can execute make as an
external tool and its output goes to the shell output pane, where I can
click file and line numbers, etc.

But recently, I switched to an automake VPATH setup to cross compile my
code for a couple of platforms (linux, windows and macosx) from a single
source tree. So I have four directories:


But when I'm editing a source file, and want to build the code, it doesn't
work anymore because there are no makefiles anymore in my source tree. Due
to the VPATH setup, the makefiles are in the build directories.

Does anyone knows a solution for this?



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