Re: [gedit-list] Completion survey

On Thu, 2008-11-06 at 10:14 +0100, Perriman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm developing GtkSourceCompletion (Gsc)
> ( and I want to do a survey.
> Currently I have created GtkSnippets library and I have integrated this
> library with Gsc. I have developed a provider that complete words
> written in a GtkTextView, in the Snippets database and words in a file.
> Another providers like Gedit documents, shows the open documents and,
> when select, set the focus on the selected document or open the
> document selected in the Recent Documents page...
> I need some feedback about the future or roadmap of Gsc. What do you
> need about Gsc?
> Examples:
> - Multiple files completion: Complete files from multiple files
> - Devhelp completion: Search into the devhelp database and show
> completion from it.

Interesting idea, and one that is nice when I can read the documentation
to understand what I am completing

> - Command completion: Execute a shell command and show the completion
> with the command output

This sounds a bit like the shell inclusions provided with the gedit
snippets plugin. I use them, but I have seen them fail because the shell
did not return in time.

> - Use ctags to complete symbols in the current TAGS file


* Markup completion
  * Allow only the tags permitted in the context.
    * Either ignore namespaces
    * Or provide strict and non-strict providers
  * Include the potential closing tag.
  * Include attributes when inside a tag.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y_______
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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