Re: [gedit-list] eRuby plugin available?

Op do, 20-07-2006 te 15:43 +0200, schreef David B�
> Hello
> I am using gedit for *.rhtml documents. For that type of document i am
> missing syntax highlighting. Is there an plugin available?

No there is not. But it's not a plugin doing the highlighting. The rhtml
hihglighting issue has come up a couple of times if I recall correctly.
The highlighting works by inspecting the mime type of the document and
having language spec files which specify to which mime types they

What is rhtml exactly (html with ruby embedded I guess?). The current
highlight engine cannot highlight two different embedded languages so it
would be a bit of a mess anyway (just like how php is now). The new
highlighting engine should take care of this problem.

Jesse van den Kieboom


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