Re: [Geary] conflicts between flatpack installation and installed Geary

W dniu Wed, 13 Dec 2017 o 18∶41 użytkownik Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> napisał:
Well, I guess that .desktop files in /var/lib/flatpak have precedence over those in /usr/local:

Yeah, that is a Shell/Software/Flatpak issue.

You can choose which to launch from the command line:



 flatpak run org.gnome.Geary

1. When I launched it (flatpak run ...) I had to add my account from scratch.

But I see that my regular geary folders were untouched. In fact I can still access them if I run Geary from the terminal.

So I wonder where flatpak app store their data...

Flatpak puts everything under ~/.var/APP_ID:

mjg@payens:~$ ls /home/mjg/.var/app/org.gnome.Geary
cache  config  data

This is why you don't get existing accounts showing up if you install the Flatpak version.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

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