Re: [gdm-list] layout selection

Le lundi 08 août 2011 à 22:47 +0800, † a écrit : 
> Could you elaborate a bit - who actually write this info into .dmrc? Greeter?

The daemon writes the .dmrc file based on the information sent by the
greeter through D-Bus.

> Where can I find format and examples of .dmrc?

The format is a standard ini-like file. You can find examples on your
computer after logging in.

> Same here - who actually read .dmrc - greeter? gdm?
> When this is happening - right after username is entered into greeter?
> After some dbus signal fired?

The daemon reads the .dmrc file after the username is entered (which it
knows through a D-Bus signal).

> I'll try to implement this feature in my greeter.
> This layout stuff is actually much trickier that it seems at first sight :)

Yes, it’s very tricky. This makes me wonder what you are trying to
achieve. Unless you have very special needs, it’s easier to start from
the existing greeter and to customize it than to build one from scratch.

Actually, unless you have very special needs, you shouldn’t need to
customize the greeter. What use case is this for?

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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