2006-July Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
2.15.90 + fc3/x86_64,
Adam Worrall
[Bug 349470] New: In garnome 2.15.90 the packages pycairo and pygtk LIBDEP each other,
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
problem fetching iso-codes_0.51-1.1.tar.gz,
Kevin Burger
Sasa Ostrouska
Garnome 2.15.90 checking for LIBOIL... configure: error: liboil-0.3.6 or later is required,
Sahid Ferdjaoui
GARNOME 2.15.90 erreur dbus-glib-0.71,
Sahid Ferdjaoui
[ANNOUNCE] GARNOME 2.15.90 (aka 2.16.0 Beta 1),
[Bug 348737] New: Could not find Python module 'dbus',
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
Aw: [2.15.(3|4)] gamin fails to build,
Ganome on Suse10.1,
Sahid Ferdjaoui
[Bug 342220] libgda fails during compilation,
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
RE: Building Garnome-2.15 'can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC',
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
Building Garnome-2.15 'can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC',
Sahid List
problem with control center (2.15.4),
Nikos Charonitakis
desktop/system-tools-backends depends on Net::DBus ?,
Adam Worrall
Building gnome 2.14.2,
Sharybin Sergei
[Bug 347994] New: Failed to download 'pwlib-1.10.0.tar.gz',
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
[Bug 347992] New: Failed to download 'opal-2.2.1.tar.gz',
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
[Bug 347990] New: fetching 'iso-codes_0.51.orig.tar.gz' crashes,
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
Cannot run gnome,
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
[Bug 347903] New: Gaim-2.0.0beta3 doesn't starts,
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
missing DocBook XML,
Epiphany: Compilation error due to Gecko version from 'mozilla-dev' package,
Lucas Mazzardo Veloso
Dependency List: package needed by 'pygtk',
Lucas Mazzardo Veloso
[Bug 141399] Dia doesn't compile with gcc 2.95,
dia (bugzilla.gnome.org)
[2.15.(3|4)] gamin fails to build,
Martin Ammermüller
Re: GARNOME 2.15.4,
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
GTK+ install fails for Garnome and 2.15.3 under SuSE 10.1 x86_64,
Karsten Anderson
Daily snapshot,
Stef van der Made
[Bug 133188] Can't compile corba-defs.idl,
ORBit2 (bugzilla.gnome.org)
[Bug 106416] Can't compile LDAP support for Solaris,
libgda (bugzilla.gnome.org)
[Bug 123278] Patch to bootstrap MacOS X,
GARNOME (bugzilla.gnome.org)
[Bug 128938] Libraries missing when configuring pango-1.3.1,
pango (bugzilla.gnome.org)
[Bug 138344] Missing file types in Viewer`,
gnome-mime-data (bugzilla.gnome.org)
Mail converted by MHonArc