Re: Updates to garnome & dep problem?

> I'll let Paul (not you of course but the other Paul) answer that... :)

I wasn't going to post this yet, but:

At the moment, you don't. I'm waiting for the official opening of the
2.9.x branch to start up the two new arch repositories -- then you'll be
able to get ever-frequent arch updates just like in the 2.6.x series.

That said, i've posted a 'very unofficial, but should build' 2.8.1

(warning: link may disappear or become superseded at any time) 

If anyone wants to help me do some QA on the current code before 2.8.1
is officially released, i'd be glad of the help.

If there are bugs in it, can people either join #garnome on and let me know about them (or post to the list, so I have
some record of it).

> It would be nice if it did but it doesn't. Since the cookie file states
> that libsoup is already built it just skips it. Try running a 'make
> clean' in desktop/libsoup. That'll force it to build the new version.

One of the things i'd like to clean up in the near future is revision
checking. (or just make 'make makesums' nuke the cookies/ directory)



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