Re: knowledge base/docs site?

<quote who="Pat Suwalski">

> Jeff Waugh wrote:
> >PHP and (perhaps especially) MySQL are very shithouse answers to "Docbook
> >gratefully accepted". :-)
> Perhaps, but I don't know DocBook. I know PHP and MySQL.
> Also, wouldn't DocBook require GNOME to be compiled already? Unless they
> have 1.2 or whatever comes with the distro, there's the chicken-egg
> problem. A web interface IS mroe accessible.

There is no chicken and egg problem. The documentation would be published on
the website. It would be written in Docbook.

  [ When I was smaller and cuter than I am today (many moons ago), a major
  drug and sex education programme used the tagline, "It's okay to say NO!",
  illustrating that it was okay for little girls to say "no" to strangers
  offering lollypops; it was okay for teenagers to say "no" to their friends
  telling them to scull bourbon [1]; and it was okay for parents to say "no"
  to kids wanting to experiment with foreign herbs and nudity in the living
  room. This brilliant tagline has so many applications... "PHP/MySQL: It's
  OKAY to say NO!" :-) ]

- Jeff

[1] Christ almighty! Next they'll be peer-pressuring us into sculling our
own urine.

   "I think it will be admitted by all that to have exploited so great a    
     scientific invention for the purpose and pursuit of entertainment      
    alone would have been a prostitution of its powers and an insult to     
        the character and intelligence of the people." - John Reith         

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