knowledge base/docs site?

One thing I've noticed in the time I've been using GARNOME is it's poor
documentation.  It's all out there, usually on other sites, or in the
mailing list archives, but a lot of it is in people's heads, and not
everybody feels like searching through mailing list archives, or on google
for answers, and it leads to a lot of headaches both for users and
developers.  Really, how many times should we have to tell people to run
fc-cache as root.  Or search around on the net to figure out which package
you need to install foo on your slackware install.

However, the problem is that no one person has time to write out
documentation, or to find all the little quirks that go along with such a
portable platform.  Jeff barely has time to write the thing, much less
document it.  I was thinking of writing up some documentation myself, but
I only use bits of it, and only on one or two different distros, so it
would be incomplete documentation at best.  What we need to do is let all
the interested users have one place to document problems or information
they come across.

	With this in mind, I've been playing around with TWiki, a WikiWiki
program with rcs as well, so that people could just input documentation,
or view it.  It seems to be fairly sensibly organized, and with a little
tweaking could be a great program for keeping all of the documentation for
GARNOME in one place, sensibly organized so that people could find
information quickly and easily.  Is this something that people want?

Matt Rose     mattrose folkwolf net    Visit my blog!
He's a bookish Jewish cyborg in drag. She's a mistrustful red-headed
mermaid living homeless in New York's sewers. They fight crime!
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