Re: Gnome Games at Leipzig's "Long night of Computer Games"

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 5:05 AM, Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro gnome org> wrote:
On Thu, 2014-04-17 at 15:02 -0400, Bryan Quigley wrote:
I really like those new mockups.. especially moving functionality to
the side pane.. (I may have said that before...).  The one thing I did
just note was that for the average colorblind individual (red==green),
the end game on Mines won't be as noticed...
Curses, foiled again!

comment 8:
I happen to be colorblind (the most common kind of it + a less common
kind). It is difficult for me to see the difference in the color from
the "Lost game" to the color on "Completed game". I would not have
noticed it unless you told me it is there. Red vs. white would work
better for me. It would be nice if the games were playable for us
colorblind but perhaps it is something that should be dealt with in
a11y? Something like the high contrast theme perhaps.

I am biased so I will stay out of the decision making. You can use be
as a testperson for new designs though.

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