Re: Gweled

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:23 PM, Jason D. Clinton <me jasonclinton com> wrote:
> mikmod is not a blessed dependency of Gnome and is unlikely to be approved
> by the release-team
> the UI will need a toolbar similar to the one in other Gnome Games games
> The game's font is a PNG array
> The game cannot scale the playing field
> No documentation

All of these I had intended to fix. I should have stated such in my email.

> I18n is not quite there yet

I don't have much experience with this, but am certainly willing to handle it.

> So, I would be willing to work with you to get this in to Gnome Games in a
> future release if the following list of changes are implemented or at least
> well on their way to a solution:
> Replace mikmod with some blessed audio solution; ie. gstreamer for music and
> pulse for game events

I assume using the functions from libgames-support? I'm guessing they
aren't appropriate for background music though.

> All use of the custom PNG font must go to be replaced by, optionally, some
> flashy use of pango blitted to a pixmap or texture surface; ie. GooPixmap or
> ClutterTexture
> Accomplish scaling the playing field by converting the rendering engine to
> use Clutter or GooCanvas (your choice). As a side effect, you get the power
> to make gems scale for neat rotation effects or explosions

I'll have to learn about those, so I'll be happy to take a recommendation.

> Beginnings of gameplay documentation (easy)
> Conversion of the high score table to the Gnome Games high score system
> (easy); might need a small configure option to turn on or off while
> developing outside Gnome Games
> Polish up the i18n stuff (easy)
> So, what do you think of this list of six items?

That sounds like a good plan. Should I post patches to this list to begin?

Steve Fox

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