Re: suggestions for gnome-games 2.18

The following should be treated as comments rather than arguments one
way or another.

On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 14:58 +0300, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> private libraries, sound files and icons.  There is no simple way to get a
> target built against the bare minimum libraries either.
The two currently shipped card-games, aisleriot and blackjack, between
them rely on every library or external package the whole of gnome-games
relies on except Avahi. Breaking up the games does not reduce the
library overhead.

A lot of the size issues are not related to graphics. The translations
take up a quarter of the uncompressed CVS source tree. A quarter of the
aisleriot directory is help files. These examples both compress well and
we're talking about a development directory, so its not apples to
apples, but the point is still relevant.

> > I don't think it's a good idea to create many separate packages for the
> > various games.
Debian did during with GNOME 1.x, but swapped to a monolithic bundle
with GNOME 2.x. I have no idea why they changed.

> I disagree. A monolithic 20Mb bundle is too much.
That would be 20M on disk right? The download size should be 5-7 Mb for
the source depending on compression format and how ruthless the
maintainer has been recently.

 - Callum

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