Re: GUADEC 2018 call for bids

On Fri, 2017-03-17 at 13:46 -0700, Nuritzi Sanchez wrote:
Hi all,

The GNOME Foundation would like to invite bids for hosting GUADEC

GUADEC is the biggest gathering of GNOME users and developers, which
takes place in Europe every year, and you could make it happen next

If you are interested in submitting a bid, you can talk to the
Foundation Board and previous GUADEC organizers to find out more
about what is involved.

The deadline for bid submission will be the 4th of June by e-mail to
foundation-announce gnome org and board-list gnome org. Bids should
also be uploaded to
Do you mind if I remove the date for the "Intentions to bid" in the
Wiki? I'm guessing it's not needed or used as it's not mentioned in the


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