Re: Question for candidates

On Wed, 2014-05-21 at 23:35 -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

    > To cooperate formally with a Linux Foundation event would run into a
    > problem -- they would probably want to call the GNU/Linux system
    > "Linux", and we should not accept that.

    I look forward to the FSF's financial contributions to GNOME

The truth is not for sale.  GNOME was launched by the GNU Project to
be part of the GNU system.  That system is still GNU, and calling it
"Linux" is bad for GNU, including GNOME.

Care to expand on that? Miguel's history of the GNOME project doesn't
make a lot of mention of GNU:

Namely, a discussion with you about his plans, the use of GNU licenses,
and an announcement on a GNU mailing-list. What else did the GNU project
and/or the FSF do for GNOME?

One thing that it could do though, is update the screenshot of some
ancient version of GNOME on the front page:
Where the stock GNOME logo used for the menu has been replaced by some
sort of Celtic knot.

    I'd definitely want the GNOME Foundation Board to accept one of its
    sponsors using "Linux"

I agree, but that is a different subject.  We were talking about
holding GUADEC in combination with a Linux Foundation event -- not about
merely accepting sponsorship.

Guess I wasn't clear enough for you, and I'll rephrase so it's clearer:
I'd definitely want the GNOME Foundation Board to accept co-hosting an
event with one of its sponsors that uses "Linux" and not GNU/Linux if it
meant the durability of those GNOME conferences. They support Free
Software as well.

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