Re: Question for candidates


On 20 May 2014 11:36, David King <amigadave amigadave com> wrote:
One possible idea would be to have joint events with KDE.  One joint
event could cost less, in total, than two separate events.

Thanks for pointing this out. As you can see from the income and expenses in
the preliminary 2013 annual report, the Desktop Summit (co-located event
with KDE) has traditionally been a much more profitable event for the
Foundation than GUADEC.

that is a naive intepretation of the results of co-located desktop summit.

the desktop summits have been, historically, *less* profitable than
GUADEC for the foundation; the only reason why the 2011 one looks more
profitable when compared to the last two GUADECs is because the last
two GUADECs were in absolute terms less profitable; we spend more
money in getting more people at GUADEC, and we get fewer sponsors.

there's no guarantee we'd have more sponsors by co-locating GUADEC
with aKademy, and we'd still have to split the revenue of the

on top of that, there are the various issues that co-locating or
flagship conference entail, and that were discussed *at length* after
the 2009 and 2011 desktop summits.

Even if a future Desktop Summit would be focused purely on co-location (as
opposed to co-operation), it should reduce the costs of the event, and bring
in more money for GNOME.

that's wishful thinking.

if we ever decided to cut costs on GUADEC by co-locating it, I'd
probably look into co-locating it with a conference that is more in
line with GNOME than aKademy. for downstream, there's the SUSE
conference or the Fedora Flock; for accessing the commercial side
there's the Linux Foundation. we could also look into EFF or FSF
Europe events, given the alignment of the interests.

I don't know what practical obstacles there might be, but in principle
I think it is ok.

It has worked well twice before, so I think that any practical obstacles can
be overcome.

I contend the idea that it (the desktop summit) worked "well" in any
way, shape, or form.

we've been doing much more solid work with the
summit/hackfests than we ever did with the desktop summits, both in
terms of tangible results and community outreach.



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