Re: Archiving wiki pages [was: Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of October 29th, 2013]

On Thu, 2013-11-21 at 18:23 +0000, Allan Day wrote:
Dave Neary <dneary gnome org> wrote:
Mairin worked on logo & brand guidelines back in 2006. That was the work
(I believe that you based this page off.

Those old guidelines were seriously out of date and were desperately
in need of a refresh. We have also been wanting to move the guidelines
off the public wiki for (literally) years. I'm only embarrassed that
it took me so long to get around to it. :)

what was out of date about them?

To be clear - their uptodateness was only one motivation for the
rewrite. There's been requests to move them off the public part of the
wiki for quite some time, and the old guidelines could have been much
clearer (I'm not going to list all the reasons why). I think I
succeeded in creating something that is much more succinct, and that
people understand more readily (maybe that's one reason for the
attention the guidelines have got). There were also obvious omissions,
like the lack of guidelines on the GNOME name.

For me the out of date part primarily related to the colours and
sub-brands - none of this reflected current practice, either by the
sub-brands that do exist or the kind of graphics we use on the
website, flyers, posters, annual reports and so on. The sub-brands
part of the page was also indicated to not be approved by the board -
which sent a confusing message.

IMVHO, I would prefer if the board had approved the colors (I blame
myself for not pushing that when I was there).

I would not want to be forced to remove any the GNOME-related
merchandising I have because of the trademark guidelines became

I checked and none of my 13 t-shirts with the GNOME logo follows
strictly the colors there, that includes the GUADEC ones. None of my 3
caps, neither the sticker on my laptop.

The only item remaining to be compliant is my mug.

I had the idea that the banner we made in Chile back then was kind of
cool. It made a distinctive mark in conferences.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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