Re: Proposal: DNS change becomes A record and starts getting phased out.

On Fri, 2013-05-10 at 08:55 -0500, meg ford wrote:

Hi Meg,

In general when people use the term "PC" in the US, they are talking
about being adopting extra careful/ newly coined language. That's not
what I'm saying. You wouldn't use the term gimp when talking to
someone unless you wanted to indicate that you hate them or had were
trying to start a fight. There isn't anything pc about not using such
a  term. You would only use it if you were specifically trying to
offend someone. Just to clarify, are you saying that it's pc to say we
shouldn't use derogatory epithets, or are you disagreeing with my
assessment of the word?

Note that I didn't say is a bad idea. Removing Gimpnet is
a bad idea (I don't think that real gimps join Gimpnet to be a jerk on
the IRC server, if that's truly the case then a solution for that would
be to either ban those people or to lock their discussions in a IRC
channel on that server).

I'm saying that it's an I18n issue. I recently read that the GNOME
foot is insulting in Thailand so we are trying not to use it there. We
aren't getting rid of it entirely because it's specifically offensive
there, but not everywhere. I would guess that gimp isn't offensive in
languages other than English since we are only hearing about this from
English speakers. In the case of the GIMP I can see why they a name
change would be really problematic and potentially harm the project.
In the case of GNOME irc I think don't see that there is an issue
wrt making the change. However, maybe that's because I speak English.
But since English is the official language of the project, so maybe
it's important to consider making a change. What do you think?

I think GNOME should introduce and alter the IRC server's
MOTD but shouldn't remove the domain. I'm not certain
that this should be done because of derogative terms like the word gimp,
but rather because GNOME is GNOME, not GIMP, and it's misleading to have
to connect to to talk to GNOME developers.

Kind regards,


        >         > The proposal is to make be an DNS A
        record and
        >         we will
        >         > continue to honor as a CNAME for
        one year in
        >         which
        >         > case we will then remove it altogether.
        >         Gimpnet is cultural inheritance of GNOME, I think
        it's a bad
        >         idea to do
        >         this for that reason.
        >         Kind regards,
        >         Philip
        >         --
        >         Philip Van Hoof
        >         Software developer
        >         Codeminded BVBA -
        >         _______________________________________________
        >         foundation-list mailing list
        >         foundation-list gnome org

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