Re: New service:

On Mon, 2013-04-29 at 22:25 +1000, Andrew Cowie wrote:
On Mon, 2013-04-29 at 13:21 +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:
2. How JIDs will look like?

JIDs will look this way: JID jabber gnome org (this to prevent any
confusion between the mail alias and the JID used for the
jabberd service.

That's unnecessary. JIDs and email addresses are different domains. If
you set up the SRV record correctly (which someone has done for then username gnome org will work fine for JIDs.

there are several people (including me), who already were using
username gnome org as their jid. would be awesome to continue without
much hazzle...

otherwise great stuff!



— whose email address andrew operationaldynamics com and Jabber ID
andrew operationaldynamics com are suspiciously similar, and whose
twitter handle @afcowie and github account @afcowie are likewise.

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