Re: New service:

This is great!  thanks for bringing this service back!

On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 4:21 AM, Andrea Veri <av gnome org> wrote:
Hello Foundation members,

the new Jabber istance I promised I while back is ready to go. Some details about it:

1. Which software are we using?

We're currently using Prosody [1].

2. How JIDs will look like?

JIDs will look this way: JID jabber gnome org (this to prevent any confusion between the mail alias and the JID used for the jabberd service.

3. Who can register to the service?

Registrations to Jabber are currently allowed and granted for Foundation members. (this is yet another benefit we give to contributors for their hard work and dedication)

The full list of Foundation members can be found at [2].

4. How can I register to the server?

Upstream is currently working on a mail-based-verification to restrict registrations to the server to a specific range of emails, until that is done new users registrations will be handled manually by me. Please send an e-mail to <av gnome org> with your preferred JID. (ideally it should follow AccountNamePolicy's rules [3])

Creating accounts manually shouldn't be a problem since we don't have a big range of new Foundation members per year. I'll make sure to set up your account as soon as I receive all the information we request on my inbox.

5. Can I chat with someone who is registered on a server which is different than

Indeed you can, that's the default Prosody's behaviour.

6. Are MUC (Multi-User-Chats) enabled?

Yes, they are.

7. Can I change my password afterwards?

Indeed you can, this is not a blocker anymore. The Jabber daemon isn't binded to LDAP, thus you can directly use the built-in function on your client to change your personal password after your account has been setup.

8. is this FAQ available on the wiki too?

Yes, it is, at [4]. Please improve it if you find anything missing.




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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