Re: Call for Summer of Code ideas

Hi Emily,

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 07:16:37PM +0800, Emily Chen wrote:
> I click on below link, but see a message below:
> *We have temporarily disabled the creation of new requests and invites in
> preparation of the launch of the new UI for Melange later this week.*
> So, we will wait for the new UI ?

The error you get is expected, here is an excerpt from the email that was
sent to google soc mailing list:

"We have temporarily disabled the creation of new requests and invites
in preparation of the launch of the new UI for Melange later this
week. This means that no new mentors can be invited until then. The
new UI will be deployed before the student application period starts
though, so hopefully this will not be too much of a problem. "

So we have to wait :(


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