Re: Q: Motivation to run [WAS: Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections Spring 2010 - The candidates]

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 15:28 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
> Tobias Mueller wrote:
> > You are invited to ask questions by sending them to foundation-list. But
> > please try to avoid duplicates and bear in mind, that the candidates
> > invest a lot of time answering questions, thus please be reasonable with
> > the amount and scope of the questions.
> A question addressed to late runners... As I expect you didn't know in
> advance the deadline for announcing candidacies would be delayed, what
> in those two extra days finally convinced you to run?

In my case, the timing was not good.  I am moving to another country
next Friday, until one week before I was not sure when I would move or
if I would able to do it or not.  So, I have been busy with all the
paperwork related to that, selling things, closing accounts, stopping
services, everybody want to say goodbye, etc.

Also, I had to accomplish with some deadlines in order to have my
master's dissertation today (in 3 hours more).

When I had a bit of time, I spent it with pending stuffs that these days
requires more attention (i.e. with the travel committe for GUADEC) and
to take a break.

Yesterday at 18:00 (22:00 UTC) I could sat down to think about it
quietly and write my statement.

Now you know the reason if I can not reply questions promptly during the
next days.  Be sure I am trying my best.


Germán Póo-Caamaño
Concepción - Chile

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