Re: GNU hackers meeting & GUADEC 2011 colocation?

Hi Andy,

Andy Wingo wrote:
> So inspired by Vincent's recent mail, let this be a mini-proposal for
> GHM co-location with the 2011 GUADEC. The ideal needs would be one
> smallish (40-50 people) room for three days. GHM events have had some
> funding attached to them in the past, enough to support them; while of
> course I can't predict the future, GNU probably could help support costs
> of the venue, when the time comes to discuss that.

Let me just confirm that that is not a typo - this is for 2011 yes, not

If GUADEC and Akademy colocate again in 2011, do you think that might
have an impact on the GHM?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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