Re: Meeting Minutes Published - August 5, 2010

El dj 26 de 08 de 2010 a les 12:30 +0200, en/na Dave Neary va escriure:
> Hi,
> Brian Cameron wrote:
> >     * GUADEC
> >           o The board will create a Wiki page with tips to better
> >             manage GUADEC/event planning in the future. The Wiki will
> >             start as a private Wiki page and will be made more public
> >             when it is fleshed out.
> I just wanted to point out that this would be at least the 3rd such
> effort at documenting GUADEC planning - separate checklists have been
> created during & after Villanova & Gran Canaria previously.
> I would prefer to make existing resources more useful, rather than
> starting from scratch (again).
> Please see
> Also, guadec-planning archives should have lots of useful advice.
> The major difficulty with GUADEC has always been having a very clear
> idea of who is doing a given task early enough, and having someone to
> answer questions like "how many X should we buy?" or "How many rooms do
> we need?" and getting things like events organised sufficiently early so
> that we're not rushing at the mast minute.
> Cheers,
> Dave.

+1 here (obviously)

Having a new website each time is also that doesn't help at all to allow
documenting things (even if we have l.g.o).


gil forcada

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