Re: OOXML [was Re: GNOME Foundation Board Meeting Minutes :: 7/6/07]

On 10/31/07, Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org> wrote:
> Nonsense.  When GNOME joined ECMA I made an open request for other
> members to join the TCs of interest.  You could easily have
> contacted me and had direct access to the MS reps.  With the
> capability to open issues and suggestions on how to clarify the
> spec.
> > > If that level of disagreement is unacceptable in the community
> > > then I can leave ECMA and request that they discontinue the
> > > GNOME Foundation's membership.
> >
> This was an offer not a threat.  I'd be charitable characterising my
> thoughts as a minority opinion in GNOME, and the FLOSS community.

That seems to be correct.

> It is uncomfortable acting as a representative of the foundation in
> a role that many members do not agree should exist.  My private
> preferences should not negatively impact the foundation, or go
> against the will of the majority of members.

A representative should be representative of the people he or she is
representing. Can you be representative if your personal opinion is
diametrically opposite to the one you are representing? I mean, you
are doing a really great technical job improving OOXML while most in
the community really want the standardization process to fail.

Are you also Novell's representative on TC 45 if I may ask?

> Snide comments about not making a 'strong an effort' to 'fully'
> 'make it better' are rude.  The Novell reps and I are the only FLOSS
> or ODF aware people who have bothered to join ECMA TC45.  Start
> helping out and I'll take your pontification more seriously.

I think that The GNOME participating in OOXML lends it a credibility
it does not deserve. Joining ECMA TC45 would be like joining of the
political party you dislike the most to improve their politics.

mvh Björn

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