Re: Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Oct 26


On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 18:37 -0400, Tim Ney, GNOME Foundation wrote:
> The doc project with Shaun McCance was announced at the end of the
> Summit, but everyone was probably too tired to blog it.  Below is the
> draft outline of the project.
> tim
>         SUBJECT MATTER DESCRIPTION: Introduction, The GNOME Family,
>         Overview, Core Technologies, IPC and Network Support, Desktop
>         Technologies, Language Bindings, Appendix

Who's the target audience of this document? 

Seems like there is a lot of potential libraries that *aren't* part of
our official platform stack that we're advertising, and even those
libraries that are could be considered as very dubious ISV interfaces.


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